Preview of Upcoming Content Now Available On Patreon!

Preview of Upcoming Content Now Available On Patreon!

Hello! Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about two things: I have a bunch of cool concept art that nobody has ever seen, and I’d like to…

July 2nd Bug-Fixing Build

July 2nd Bug-Fixing Build

Whoops! I try to update the game on the 1st and 15th day of every month, but I was one day late this time. Sorry about that!…

June 20th Bug-Fixing Build

June 20th Bug-Fixing Build

Want to know the latest features added to the game? Click here! Want to watch my latest video? Click here! Want to read a list of everything…

A “What if…?” video I made for fun to answer a fan’s hypothetical question

A “What if…?” video I made for fun to answer a fan’s hypothetical question

One of my Patreon supporters asked me a question, and I thought it was such an interesting question that I decided to make a video to answer…

June 18th Bug-Fixing Build

June 18th Bug-Fixing Build

(If you’re here to check for development updates and not read bug-fixing changelogs, I recommend reading a recent post called “The Big June Update,” because it describes…

June 17th Bug-Fixing Build

June 17th Bug-Fixing Build

Hello! I hope you read my blog post about “The Big June Update!” It was a pretty significant update, so if you’re curious to know what the…

The Big June Update

The Big June Update

EDIT: One feature – the “Chat Interaction” feature – is not working in the current build. Sorry about that! Please wait until the next build to try…

Successful Chat Interaction Test Stream!

Successful Chat Interaction Test Stream!

Good news! Less than 4 hours after I announced that I was having trouble getting the “Chat Interaction” feature to work, the problems were solved! In order…

New Build, New Video

New Build, New Video

EDIT: That was fast! The problems that are described in the video below have already been solved. Read this blog post to learn about the current state…

May 24th Bug-Fixing Build

May 24th Bug-Fixing Build

New build! What’s different? 1 new feature, 10 improvements, 41 bug fixes, 7 text adjustments, and 1 half-implemented mystery feature! Want to read a complete list of…