Preview of Upcoming Content Now Available On Patreon!
Hello! Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about two things: I have a bunch of cool concept art that nobody has ever seen, and I’d like to…

July 2nd Bug-Fixing Build
Whoops! I try to update the game on the 1st and 15th day of every month, but I was one day late this time. Sorry about that!…

June 20th Bug-Fixing Build
Want to know the latest features added to the game? Click here! Want to watch my latest video? Click here! Want to read a list of everything…

A “What if…?” video I made for fun to answer a fan’s hypothetical question
One of my Patreon supporters asked me a question, and I thought it was such an interesting question that I decided to make a video to answer…

June 18th Bug-Fixing Build
(If you’re here to check for development updates and not read bug-fixing changelogs, I recommend reading a recent post called “The Big June Update,” because it describes…

June 17th Bug-Fixing Build
Hello! I hope you read my blog post about “The Big June Update!” It was a pretty significant update, so if you’re curious to know what the…

The Big June Update
EDIT: One feature – the “Chat Interaction” feature – is not working in the current build. Sorry about that! Please wait until the next build to try…

Successful Chat Interaction Test Stream!
Good news! Less than 4 hours after I announced that I was having trouble getting the “Chat Interaction” feature to work, the problems were solved! In order…

New Build, New Video
EDIT: That was fast! The problems that are described in the video below have already been solved. Read this blog post to learn about the current state…

May 24th Bug-Fixing Build
New build! What’s different? 1 new feature, 10 improvements, 41 bug fixes, 7 text adjustments, and 1 half-implemented mystery feature! Want to read a complete list of…