I’ve said it so many times over the years that I probably sound like a broken record, but I’ll say it again: I feel incredibly guilty that I rarely post anything on my Patreon. I worry that taking the time to prepare content for Patreon would cut into the game’s development time, resulting in less progress – which is probably the opposite of what my patrons want – so I actively avoid posting things on Patreon.
I often think of sharing previews of upcoming content on Patreon, but then I start second-guessing myself. “Maybe this upcoming content is too important to reveal on Patreon! It would be a spoiler!” or “Maybe this upcoming content is too trivial to be of anyone’s interest! The patrons would hate it if I wasted their time with this!”
The result is that I get paralyzed with indecision and just neglect to post anything on my Patreon, which probably disappoints the people who are kind enough to be financially supporting me. With that in mind, I’m going to try my hardest to post “previews of upcoming content” on Patreon more often, as long as whatever I’m posting is not a major spoiler. I can’t commit to post once per day – like I did in June – but I’m going to start taking my Patreon a lot more seriously than I have been up until this point in time.
So, what am I showing off in the latest Patreon post? Well, in the next build, 3 of the game’s oldest animations are going to be replaced…and on my Patreon, you can see a preview of what the new animations are going to look like!

One cropped frame is all I’m willing to show you here! You’ll have to go become a patron to see the rest!
If you have any ideas for content I could provide on my Patreon – that wouldn’t cut deeply into development time – please write your suggestions in the comments below!