Welcome to Yandere Simulator’s Latest Version page! Stay up-to-date with the newest developments and improvements to the ultimate yandere protagonist game. Our team is constantly working to enhance the gameplay experience with new features, mechanics, and characters. Check back for the latest updates and embark on a journey of love, obsession, and danger.
Yandere Simulator is the type of game that is periodically updated with new content over time.
- You may encounter bugs or unfinished features.
- Some of the current models and animations are placeholders.
- The developer of this game does not endorse violence in schools.
- All characters depicted are 18 or older, even if otherwise specified.
- This game contains violent content, and is not appropriate for children.
- The game’s performance and framerate will continuously be improved throughout development.
There are multiple ways to download Yandere Simulator. There is a launcher, which can be downloaded here:
If the launcher doesn’t work for you, several other options are available:

Direct download from the official website, last updated on February 1st, 4:20 PM:
(The website’s cache takes 24 hours to update. The build provided through the website will be outdated for 24 hours.)

Mediafire link for the build from 4:20 PM, February 1st:

Mega link for the build from 4:20 PM, February 1st:

MadDownload Mirror:

Fan-made Archives of old builds:
Mac Support:
Yandere Simulator is currently only available for the Windows operating system. There is no official Mac support for Yandere Simulator at this point in time. However, users have reported success getting Yandere Simulator to run on Mac computers using a third-party application named Whisky:
If you are a Mac user, consider installing Whisky, downloading Yandere Simulator using any method (aside from the launcher), and then using Whisky to run Yandere Simulator.
(Because Yandere Simulator was not intended to run on Mac, you may encounter bugs, such as text not appearing inside of text windows. There are currently no plans to address these Mac-only bugs, so please do not report any bug that is exclusive to Mac operating systems.)
Linux Support:
As stated above, Yandere Simulator is currently only available for the Windows operating system. There is no official Mac support for Yandere Simulator at this point in time. However, users have reported success getting Yandere Simulator to run on Linux computers using a combination of two third-party application. Here are the instructions to get those two applications working:
- Install Lutris and Wine (available in your Package Manager).
- Download Yandere Simulator from the official site (the .exe launcher).
- Open Lutris, click the + icon, and select Install a Windows game from an executable.
- Name the game and click Next twice.
- Click the 3 dots to find and select the Yandere Simulator Setup .exe file, then click Next.
- Install the game, but don’t click Play when the installation finishes.
- Close installation windows and right-click the game in Lutris to configure.
- In Game Options, select the game executable (not the setup).
- Under Runner Options, set the Wine version to ge-proton (regular Wine works, but there will be display issues).