July 1st Bug-Fixing Build

Hi! I’ve prepared a new build for you with 15 improvements and 58 bug fixes – including one of the tasks that was rated high in the recent “What do you want YandereDev to work on next?” survey.

By the way – I’d like to share a small piece of trivia with you! Did you notice that, ever since the release of Amai, all of the artwork to appear in my blog posts has been of Amai (or events related to Amai)? I was planning to post Amai exclusively for a while…but I recently found a piece of fan art drawn by Ameovk that is so beautiful, I have to temporarily pause the Amai artwork to share it with you:

July 1st Bug-Fixing Build

Beautiful!! Gorgeous!! Jaw-dropping!!

…okay! Now that I’ve shared this masterpiece with you, click “Continue Reading” to see a list of everything that is new in the latest build.

New Expulsion Process for Amai

Previously, the process for expelling Amai from school was identical to the process of expelling any 1980s Mode rival – report her for alcohol, condoms, cigarettes, theft, and cheating. Recycling a process from elsewhere in the game was boring, and was one of the things that contributed to Amai’s week feeling “cheap.”

So, I’ve decided to commit to giving all 202X rivals a unique expulsion process that is connected to their personal identity. Amai is a cook – so, in order to get her expelled from school, the player is now required to frame her for violating school rules that a cook should never violate:

July 1st Bug-Fixing Build

(The 5th one was kind of a stretch, but it’s relevant to Amai because her family is having financial issues, so the Guidance Counselor would consider it plausible that Amai might try to embezzle the Cooking Club’s funds to help her family.)

(If you test out this new feature and feel that it’s too easy, please keep in mind that Amai’s week is early into the game. She’s meant to be the 2nd-easiest rival to eliminate. Subsequent rivals will be harder to expel.)

This is just one of the many ways that I want to improve upon Amai’s week until it eventually reaches the standard of quality set by Osana’s week. Please look forward to further improvements in the weeks to come!


  • From now on, when dismembering a female student, the torso that appears will reflect the school uniform that the player has chosen, instead of only the default uniform. (Some texture errors are currently occurring; they will be fixed in a future update.) (Faculty members still wear school uniforms when dismembered.)
  • From now on, pressing the escape key at the title screen will close the application immediately. (You can now close the game without having to choose a gameplay mode, wait for the camera to move to the fountain, etc.)
  • When pausing the game during a Befriend/Betray stealth mission (like the Osana stalker house mission or the Amai rival bakery mission) it is now possible to restart the mission or just return home.
  • There are a lot of students in Class 3-2 that would refuse to tolerate the sight of bullying. So, from now on, Musume won’t bully anyone in Class 3-2 until everyone else has left the classroom.
  • The post-processing effects in the “rival walks to school with Senpai” cutscene were configured improperly. The cutscene should now look much better.
  • The player will now hear the sound of police sirens gradually becoming louder when the police are less than 60 seconds away from the school.
  • The music that plays at the Custom Mode menu now fades in smoothly, instead of immediately blasting at full volume from frame 1.
  • Miyuji now removes her piercings when she “returns to normal” after her club gets shut down.
  • It is now possible to view the “Stats” screen from the 202X Mode Calendar screen.
  • Improved the texture of the grass/ground in the stalker house stealth mission.
  • Slightly tweaked Shiromi’s likes/dislikes.
  • Slightly tweaked Kokoro’s likes/dislikes.
  • Slightly tweaked Moeko’s likes/dislikes.
  • Updated Saki Miyu’s textures.


  • If Raibaru apprehends the player near a wall, the camera or the characters might clip through the wall during the “Raibaru breaks your arm” cutscene. To combat this, I instructed the game to slide the characters away from the nearest wall if they were too close to one during the arm-breaking cutscene. Unfortunately, these instructions introduced new visual bugs, so I’ve decided to tell the game to just forget about doing that. Perhaps, in the future, I’ll find the best solution for the camera-clipping problem.
  • If Osana was matchmade, Raibaru would stop following Osana around and would gain a new routine: spying on the martial arts club. However, this was weird, because she would still perform that routine even if the martial arts club was closed, or the clubmembers weren’t inside of their club room. From now on, Raibaru will have a completely different routine if Osana is matchmade.
  • Previously, the struggle minigame was framerate-dependent; if the player’s framerate was low, it was significantly easier, and it became harder the higher the player’s FPS was. This bug should now be fixed. Please test it for yourself and tell me if the bug has been fixed, or if it’s still in the game.
  • If the player started a “Multi Mission” Mission Mode mission, then paused the game, accessed a menu that involved the phone rotating 90 degrees sideways, and then exited that menu and quickly pulled up the list of targets for that mission, the list would be rotated at an angle. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player agreed to help Kokona with her play, and the game crashed while loading into the school, the player would get a bug when attempting to load that save file: the game would load into the protagonist’s home instead of the school to resume the tutorial. This bug has been fixed.
  • After joining the Gaming Club, a button prompt appeared at the changing booth in the Gaming Club, as if it had become possible for the player to interact with it in some way, even though there was no available interaction. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player attacked a Martial Arts Club student while they were practicing martial arts, they would say a line of dialogue – “You’re standing in the way” – and the subtitle would remain onscreen perpetually. This bug has been fixed.
  • When killing Osana using the fan elimination method, the fallen fan cover could block the player from interacting with the blood stains on the ground, preventing the player from cleaning up after their crime. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1980s Mode, if the player joined the drama club, wore gloves, and attacked a teacher from behind with the magical girl wand, the player would be apprehended and sent to the counselor simultaneously. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student was socializing with the player when they suddenly became alarmed by a mind-broken slave killing someone nearby, the player would get stuck in the socializing menu and be unable to exit. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Senpai caught the player strangling someone, the strangling animation would not end until after Senpai had finished reacting to it, so Ayano would face the wrong direction when reacting to Senpai. This bug has been fixed.
  • Students are supposed to refuse to go check their locker for a note if they are currently wearing a swimsuit. However, due to a bug, the game wasn’t recognizing Chigusa’s bikini as a swimsuit. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed 2 students and electrocuted Osana during one of her events with Senpai, a memorial would be held for all 3 students, but Osana would be alive instead of dead. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1980s Mode, if the player put a corpse in the incinerator and then performed Togo’s “beat up delinquents” Task, the corpse inside the incinerator would appear outside of it. This bug has been fixed.
  • The first time that the player entered a tutorial in Kokona’s tutorial, the camera would not be angled properly; it would only be angled properly on subsequent tutorials. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player started a Mission Mode mission with Amai as the target, Amai’s routine would switch to her bake sale routine, and she would set a plate of food in midair. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player knocked out Osana’s stalker close to his bedroom door, his collider would block the exit to the room, and the player would not be able to leave the room. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player attacked Raibaru while she was spying on Osana’s Monday morning phone conversation, Raibaru would not enter the counter-attack animation properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If any student at school was dead during Amai’s week, students would stop attending the bake sale once the bake sale checked for the existence of that student. This bug has been fixed.
  • The “student won’t spawn at school, even if the save file is deleted and a new save file is created” bug may finally be fixed. Let me know if you still encounter this kind of problem!
  • On Thursday, one of the students sunbathing with Ritsuko would leave at 5:15 PM instead of staying there and continuing to sunbathe like she was supposed to. This bug has been fixed.
  • In the Custom Mode menu, if the player zoomed in on a student and then changed to the previous menu or next menu, the depth-of-field effect would not reset. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a mind-broken slave attacked Raibaru while she was standing behind a tree while watching Osana interact with Senpai, bugs would occur. This should no longer be possible.
  • If the player attempted to electrocute Taro during his Monday morning rooftop conversation with Osana, the event would glitch out in multiple ways. This bug has been fixed.
  • When tranquilizing a student in the gym storage room, it was possible for other students to clip through the storage room door and enter the room. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, if the player tried to place a student’s custom hangout / patrol on the stairs, they would reach the stairs and then spin forever. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player eliminated Osana or Amai and then switched to 1980s Mode on the Title Screen, Osana or Amai’s corpse would appear next to Ryoba. This bug has been fixed.
  • Anytime the player ever attempted to load a save file, the game would encounter a bug that prevented it from completely loading the save file. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a rival died by an explosion, the “Rival appears at title screen in the manner that you eliminated her” feature wouldn’t display anything. This bug has been fixed.
  • Due to a bug, the player was ALWAYS receiving a “Same Persona Bonus” when socializing with a student, even when using no Persona at all. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player started a 202X Mission Mode mission and then restarted it, all Student profiles would be unlocked. This was unintentional. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player purchased Info-chan’s Week 1 Monday “Expel Osana” Scheme, the scheme would not advance after the player completed step 5. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Osana witnessed Ayano kill her boyfriend, she would say “I need to tell Osana!” and then cry in front of her boyfriend’s corpse. This bug has been fixed.
  • After Ritsuko had been pushed into the school pool, her suitor would walk to her sunbathing spot and spin in circles indefinitely. This bug has been fixed.
  • Under some circumstances, the game could get stuck transitioning out of the “watching Senpai walk to school with a rival” scene. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, the 79th student would offer the task of Togo from 1980s Mode and his Task description text would be blank. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed a teacher with a P.E. stat of zero (using the Martial Arts Club benefit) the game’s music would stop. This bug has been fixed.
  • During Amai’s week, a picnic blanket would appear where Amai has a picnic even on days when Amai wasn’t having a picnic. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player concealed a body part in a garbage bag and then tried to put it into a cello case, bugs would occur. This issue has been resolved.
  • The “progress bar shows Senpai’s reaction to a note left on his desk” feature worked during Week 1, but not Week 2. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player disabled hair physics, Mai Waifu’s hair would stick straight forward when she was sitting down. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player performed an after-school activity with the delinquent gang, the game would lose all audio. This bug has been fixed.
  • It was possible for the player to walk on top of the fountains at the east/west sides of the school. This bug has been fixed.
  • After Miyuji reverted back to her original hairstyle, her eyebrows were using the wrong texture. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Mission Mode, when students took food from Amai, the food in their hands would be invisible. This bug has been fixed.
  • Due to a bug, the struggle minigame in the Kokona tutorial could be won in two button presses. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, one of Ayano’s hairstyles looked different at home than it looked at school. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that would put Senpai’s face texture onto his body during the “rival walks to school with Senpai” scene.
  • Corrected improperly-placed collider in the Amai stealth mission that could allow the player to walk in midair.
  • Due to an oversight, Ayano’s face shape was not correct in her bedroom at nighttime. This bug has been fixed.
  • In the “customize your Senpai” scene, Ayano’s face was not accurate to her design. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that would keep food in a student’s hands after they finished eating food at Amai’s bake sale.
  • It is no longer possible for Ayano to gossip on Kaobook about a rival who has already been eliminated.
  • It was only possible for the player to clean the iron maiden once. This bug has been fixed.
  • It is no longer possible for the player to clip the camera into Info-chan’s room.
  • Nemesis was unintentionally using Amai’s thick eyebrows. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed typos in Hazu and Uekiya’s bounty description text.
  • Fixed a typo in one of Raibaru’s subtitles.

Upcoming Content Preview

If you’re curious to know what type of content will be added to the game in the future, I recommend checking out my Patreon, where I’ve shared renders of an upcoming character and an upcoming environment!

One Last Thing

I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday! Thank you so much – I appreciate it immensely!

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