January 21st Bug-Fixing Build

Hello! A few progression-stopping bugs were found in the previous build, so I’m releasing a new one with some important fixes (and improvements, as well!)

To read a list of everything that was changed or fixed, scroll down past this absolutely adorable artwork of Sumire Suzuki drawn by eeennnnenen!

January 21st Bug-Fixing Build


  • Long-time players may remember that, at one point in the past, I added a debug command for disabling all trees at school to allow players to test whether or not the removal of the trees would improve their framerates. This command will now affect the new trees that were added in the January 5th update, as well. To disable all trees, press the “Y” key on your keyboard 10 times. (To restore them, press “Y” again. You can then toggle them on and off by pressing “Y” some more.) I’d be interested in knowing if removing all the new trees significantly improves anyone’s framerate…
  • The player now begins Mission Mode with Chemistry Level 4, meaning that they will be able to craft Lethal Poison right from the beginning of the match. Also, crafting Lethal Poison in Mission Mode will grant the player 10 lethal poisons, making it possible to complete a Multi-Mission that involves poisoning 10 people.
  • If you want your Custom Mode rival’s suitor to check his locker in Custom Mode, you have to make sure that his 5:19 action is Shoes and his 5:19 destination if Locker. To save you the trouble, I’ve made it so that randomizing a suitor’s schedule automatically sets the 5:19 schedule to that action/destination.
  • In the asylum mission, it is now possible to throw pebbles using the “E” key rather than the left mouse button. This is to accommodate laptop users who play the game on a touchpad that doesn’t support pressing two mouse buttons simultaneously.
  • There are now text files called BefriendBetray.txt inside of the CustomMode folders that allow you to write the dialogue that will appear when you speak with one of your Custom Mode Rivals about her “Evil Photographer” problem.
  • During Mission Mode, sleuths (and certain club leaders) never ate lunch, which made it impossible to kill them with lethal poison if that was the objective of the player’s current mission. This oversight has been corrected.


  • If the player performed a 1980s Mode Generic Task action (such as making a bento for a hungry student) while standing extremely close to a student council member, the student council member would attempt to shove the player away while they were in the middle of their task animation. This would put the player into a glitched state where it was impossible to speak to students. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, there was no difference between giving character “Default” color hair or “White” color hair. From now on, choosing “White” hair will remove all color from a character’s hair. (This does not guarantee that the character’s hair will actually turn white; it might turn gray, depending on the brightness of the hair texture itself.)
  • Some players reported a bug where the game would freeze when attending class or transitioning into the “counselor yells at rival” cutscene. I believe I understand what was causing the bug, and I’ve attempted to implement a fix. Please let me know if you encounter that bug again in the latest build.
  • Since Custom Mode (currently) takes place in 1980s Mode, the male gakuran (school uniform) should reflect the uniform that male characters wear in 1989. The gakuran that appeared in the Custom Mode menu wasn’t accurate (it was black instead of brown+white). This oversight has been corrected.
  • On Sunday, the protagonist doesn’t have to go to school, so they don’t need to wear their school uniform; they can just chill in their pajamas. However, due to a bug, a Custom Mode protagonist wore their school uniform at home on Sundays. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player activated the “small weapons break after one use” difficulty option and broke a weapon, they would still be able to use that broken weapon to kill a character that was trying to apprehend them in the “Struggle Minigame.” This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved, loaded their save, killed a student, and tried to remove their blood-stained clothing anywhere, their blood-stained clothing would not drop, preventing the player from being able to clean up murder evidence. This bug has been fixed.
  • On the main menu, if the player navigated to the 1980s Mode save file screen, pressed the “Week Select” button, then navigated to the 202X Mode save file screen and started a new save file, it would load the Week Select screen. This bug has been fixed.
  • Attempted to fix bug that would cause the game to freeze on a black screen when the player was entering / exiting the Counselor’s office. Please report the bug to me if you’re still experiencing it even after updating to this build of the game.
  • Some rivals’ diary entries did not match their actual likes and dislikes. This has been corrected. (In some cases, the diary entries were adjusted, and in other cases, the rivals’ likes and dislikes were adjusted.)
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to perform the “Cauterize” action on a student that had died by strangulation. (It was pointless, there is no wound or blood resulting from a strangulation death.)
  • If the player saved while Sakyu was weeping over Inkyu’s corpse and then reloaded that save, Sakyu would not properly return to the weeping action upon reloading the save. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player entered the Alternate Timeline, returned to the main menu, and watched the credits, they would jump straight to the ending of the Alternate Timeline. Oops! This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, if the player gave the “Club” Destination/Action to a student with an ID past 70, the game would softlock when the player attempted to attend class. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Raibaru discovered a corpse, ran to tell Osana, and encountered Osana’s corpse, she would fail to advance through her “React to Osana’s corpse” code properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player got their rival rejected, expelled, AND lowered her reputation below -150 all on the same day, the game would freeze in the End-of-Day sequence. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player activated the “small weapons break after one use” difficulty option, they would be unable to complete the first part of Kokona’s tutorial. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1980s Mode, the student council president Reiichi has narrow eyes. These eyes were appearing on the Custom Mode student council president, as well. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player attacked Raibaru on the exact frame that she stopped investigating a suspicious sound, the game would softlock. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player enabled “Students can see through the chain-link fence,” students would try to pathfind through the fence. This bug has been fixed.
  • A debug command – immediately setting a kidnapped prisoner’s sanity to zero – was left in the game by accident. Oops! It has now been removed.
  • Fixed bug in Custom Mode that was preventing students from using the hair color that had been chosen for them by the player.
  • If the player kidnapped any bully character, her face texture would be incorrect in the basement scene. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed a student on a stairway, the student’s body would clip down into the stairs. This bug has been fixed.
  • Sonoko’s silhouette was not appearing during Ryoba’s monologue about her. Oops! This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the Basu sisters from having their morning conversations.
  • Fixed typo in Custom Mode menu. “Scroll Wheel” was spelled “School Wheel.”
  • Fixed bug that caused Senpai to appear bald in the Genocide ending.
  • Made code optimizations that should result in a higher framerate.

What’s Next?

I’m extremely eager to start working on Amai! However, if any critical bugs are discovered in this build – bugs that prevent the player from being able to progress forward through the game – I’ll have to postpone working on Amai until I’ve fixed whatever significant problems exist in the latest build.

By the way, I know that this might seem random, but I wanted to share a fan-made music video with you because I think that the editing is very well done. Enjoy!

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