February 15th Update

Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

Today’s update contains 13 improvements, 39 bug fixes, and 1 new elimination method! That’s right – a new way to eliminate your rivals!

To see a list of everything that was added/changed/fixed/improved in the latest build, scroll down past this short little comic by LacunaEclipsed!

February 15th Update

(It’s a parody of an old meme that only elder memelords will recall the origin of…)


Another new elimination method has been added to the game! It is now possible to smother a sleeping student with a pillow!

  • To perform this elimination, put sedative into a student’s food so that they go to the Infirmary and sleep. The “Smother” option will be available next to their sleeping body.
  • In Custom Mode, when deciding the canon elimination methods for your rivals, “Smother” is now one of the options.
  • In the Calendar screen, the Stats screen should say “Smothered to death” if that’s how you eliminated your rival.
  • In the 1980s Mode courtroom sequence, the game should say “(name) was smothered to death” if that’s how you eliminated your rival.
  • Currently, there are no sound effects or voice lines for suffocating to death. I plan to change this in the future.
  • Eventually, I may decide that the player must raise their Strength stat in order to successfully perform a smothering.


  • Previously, any student in Custom Mode with pepper spray would perform Aoi’s pepper spraying animation, even though it wouldn’t suit their personality. From now on, Custom Mode students will perform a “generic” pepper-spraying animation, instead of Aoi’s animation.
  • A “Would you like to customize the game’s difficulty settings?” window will now display when the player starts a new game. (This is better than automatically displaying the difficulty settings menu, which was confusing and overwhelming for some new players.)
  • It is now possible to tranquilize students who have a Strength level of “Invincible.” (This is so that Custom Mode rivals with a Strength level of “Invincible” but a canon elimination of “Kidnapped” can be eliminated.)
  • The animation that plays when Miyuki fires her “Love Love Beam!” has been replaced with a completely new animation. The new animation looks absolutely phenomenal! I’m so happy with it!
  • Students can now tell that Ayano is committing murder if they witness her push someone into the freezer room, lock the door, and lower the temperature within.
  • It is now possible to select the new “Freeze to Death” elimination method as a canon elimination method in Custom Mode.
  • The “Frozen to Death” elimination type has been added to the Week Select Screen, Calendar Screen, and Courtroom scene.
  • Some of the textures and models in the Drama Clubroom have been replaced with upgraded assets.
  • Added the 1980s Mode Photography Club’s portrait poses as options in Custom Mode.
  • The nurse, teachers, and coach of 1980s Mode now have unique portrait poses!
  • Added one new hairstyle option for Ayano in Custom Mode.
  • Fureddo and Dafuni’s neck accessories now have physics.


  • If the player used the “POOL’S CLOSED” sign to block access to the pool and then advanced the day forward using the “Pass Time” book in the school library, students whose routine involved sunbathing would change into a swimsuit, walk to the pool, return to the locker room, perform the “changing clothing” animation but remain in a swimsuit and then change their shoes at their locker, which would cause their swimsuits to obtain the texture of their school uniforms. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student took an incriminating photograph of the player, and the player destroyed the student’s phone, the end-of-day police investigation sequence would still describe the police as finding photographic evidence of the player committing a crime. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player got their uniform bloody, cleaned it, changed into a gym uniform, got it bloody, then changed back into their school uniform using an emergency shower, an extra gym uniform would appear inside of their locker in the shower building. This bug has been fixed.
  • When a pair of sliding doors slid shut, they would not actually close all the way – they would stop just short of closing, leaving a small gap. Sometimes, characters could notice corpses through this gap! As of this build, that bug should never be able to happen again.
  • If the player tries to feed Amai her own food, she tells you to go feed it to someone else, and she doesn’t play an animation of taking food off of the plate. However, a piece of food still disappeared from the plate, anyway! This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player shoved a student into the dumpster, saved, and reloaded, the dumpster lid would not be in the position it was in when the game was saved, and the “pour garbage into dumpster” button prompt would not appear. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player put a short stabbing weapon into a weapon bag and then had a struggle with a teacher, and then attacked another teacher with a long blunt weapon, the game over sequence would not play properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player befriended a student, then became a delinquent, then asked their friend for a favor, the player would lose 10 reputation points, as if they had used the “Intimidate” feature, even though they hadn’t used that feature.
  • Ayano is only supposed to appear on a bake sale advertisement if she’s a member of the Cooking Club. However, due to a bug, she could appear in an advertisement even if she wasn’t in the Cooking Club. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used the robot to kill someone, resulting in a human heart dropping to the ground, the “Police Checklist” would not acknowledge the presence of a body part at school. This bug has been fixed.
  • The “CustomStockings” feature of Pose Mode stopped working. It should be working again now. Please note that it now checks for Custom Stockings in the Custom folder instead of the StreamingAssets folder.
  • In extraordinarily rare circumstances, a character could fall through the ground at the legendary cherry tree and teleport into the little cave underneath it. This bug should no longer be possible.
  • When Osana was changing her shoes at her locker, Raibaru would walk directly into Osana and perform a walking animation until Osana was done changing her shoes. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed Osana and then arranged a meeting with Raibaru, Raibaru would travel to the meeting spot but would stop a meter away from her destination. This bug has been fixed.
  • The “Intimidate” feature isn’t supposed to work on Raibaru, but it was only disabled for Follow and wasn’t disabled for Distract Them or Go Away. This oversight has been corrected.
  • The player was supposed to be able to use an emergency shower to wash blood off of their body while wearing a swimsuit, but this feature wasn’t working. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a character started guarding a corpse, the player killed that character, and then the player tried to save the game, the game would prohibit saving. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used the Gaming Club’s computer while holding a corpse, the corpse would hover in mid-air while Ayano sat down to type at the keyboard. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player kidnapped Otohiko, turned him into a mind-broken slave, and tried to bring him to school, he would not appear at school until 7:50 AM. This bug has been fixed.
  • When opening the pause screen in 1980s Mode, disabled icons would still have shadows (unlike their 202X counterparts) which looked bad and weird. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, if the player gender-swapped the 10th student from a male to a female, that character would never wear custom uniforms. This bug has been fixed.
  • The buttons that appeared at the bottom of the Calendar screen were not properly centered in either 1980s Mode or 202X Mode. This oversight has been corrected.
  • If the player saved the game while a student was freezing to death and then loaded that save, the student wouldn’t be frozen. This bug can no longer occur.
  • It is no longer possible to save the game while a smartphone containing photographic evidence of the player committing a crime is on the ground at school.
  • The glass walls in the Biology Lab are now transparent regardless of whether the player has adjusted the settings to make windows transparent or opaque.
  • Raibaru could warn Osana about the smell of gasoline while an absurd distance away from her. This distance has been reduced to be more reasonable.
  • If the player received a game over during a stealth mission, the game would softlock and gameplay would never resume. This bug has been fixed.
  • Due to a problem with Kuroko’s texture, part of her hair was appearing solid black instead of being textured. This problem has been resolved.
  • After cleaning bloody clothing in the washing machine, characters would still consider the clothing to be alarming. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved the game after freezing a student to death, the door to the freezer room would be open again. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player gave their Senpai hairstyle #11, his hair would disappear during the Senpai-meets-Amai cutscene. This bug has been fixed.
  • The back of Hoshiko’s head would clip through her hair upon death, leading to the appearance of a “bald spot.” This bug has been fixed.
  • The Alternate Timeline is only 9 weeks long, but the confession scene referred to “11 weeks” instead. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed the 1989 gym teacher, her replacement would have messed-up textures. This bug has been fixed.
  • Kidnapped male students were described with female pronounce in the torture interface. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1980s Mode, the leader of the gardening club was performing the wrong animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • It was possible for two people to be trapped in the freezer room at the same time. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1989, gardening club students performed the wrong animations at club time. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed a typo at the Kaobook screen.


I really neglected my Patreon in the 2nd half of 2024 – I barely uploaded anything to it! I’ve been trying to make up for that recently by being way more active on Patreon. For example, I recently uploaded a preview of what the upcoming character models will be capable of, concept art of the new character Kataba, and concept art for what Buraza Town would look like if it was added to the game as a 3D environment that the player can run around in! Consider checking it out!


Bonus Art

Take a look at this super-cute Valentine’s Day artwork of Aoi and Shiromi drawn by Strawberry Lord!

February 15th Update

Aww! So adorable!

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