December 20th Bug-Fixing Build

I believe I’ve finally mopped up the last remaining bugs that appeared in the game after the most recent additions! The game should be very stable now. To read a list of everything that was added/changed/fixed/improved in the latest build, scroll down past this ultra-cute drawing of Midori working a part-time job as a maid at a maid cafe by amamti777!

December 20th Bug-Fixing Build

Future Bug Prevention

If you ever encounter a bug where the game freezes when it’s performing any action that involves a student’s likes and dislikes (such as socializing with the student or entering the “Customize Likes/Dislikes” screen of the Custom Mode menu), it means that the Topics.JSON file has become corrupted. From now on, all builds of the game will contain a backup copy of the Topics.JSON file in the StreamingAssets/JSON folder so that if you ever encounter this bug, you can manually fix it by replacing the broken Topics.JSON file with the working backup copy.


  • All of the 1980s Mode Newspaper Club students now have unique portrait poses. (These poses have also been added to Custom Mode as options for characters’ portrait poses.)
  • There is now a new skin option in Custom Mode – the option for students to use the face texture that is associated with their hair texture.
  • 1980s Mode rivals now have face textures and skin textures that are more accurate to their official artwork.
  • Kidnapped male students now wear “burlap sacks” just like kidnapped female students.
  • Your save files now mention the in-game week/day that the save file was created.
  • All 1980s Mode Art Club members now have unique portrait poses.


  • If the player dropped a car battery into a puddle of water while beginning any action that would cause the protagonist to enter an animation and become incapable of moving until the animation was finished, the player would enter a “dead and alive at the same time” state. This is no longer possible.
  • Inside of the protagonist’s room, if the player opened the Student Info menu, selected a “?” student, then exited the menu and returned to it, the player would be able to press a button to attempt to view that student’s info, resulting in a glitched interface. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved and loaded the game, the “Leave Note” prompt would change to “Leave Note (Kokona)” reflecting the period of time when Kokona was the only student that the player could leave a note for. Ah, nostalgic. It’s a bug, though – and this bug has been fixed.
  • If the player put a male student into the kidnapping box and then the police got called to school, the “End-of-Day Police Investigation” sequence would softlock at the point where the police were supposed to find the student inside of the box. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player alarmed a student council member while they were inspecting a suspicious object on the ground, the student council member could get stuck in the “reacting to protagonist” state and never advance out of it. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player asked the nurse for medicine while she was in the middle of returning a dropped object to its correct location, she would provide medicine and then never finish returning that dropped object. This bug has been fixed.
  • The difficulty of the “physical struggle with hero” minigame was dependent on the game’s framerate. If the game’s FPS was above 60, the minigame would become nearly impossible to win. This should no longer be possible.
  • If the player spoke to a student while a rival and suitor were having a matchmaking discussion, the “Matchmaking Results Window” could display over the “speaking with student” interface. This bug has been fixed.
  • The “The liquid flowed down the hill” error message would appear if the player spilled liquid on the ground anywhere past the running track, even if it wasn’t on the hill specifically. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player began picking a lock while they were being chased by a teacher, they would remain in the “picking lock” state even after defeating the teacher, leading to many bugs. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1980s Mode, if the player accepted the Martial Arts Club leader’s task and then proceeded to the following day, the game would not remember that the task had been accepted. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player sent a student to their locker, then saved and reloaded, the student would perform their running animation while moving at their walking speed. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved the game while a student was burning inside of the incinerator and then loaded that save, the incinerator would not be active. This bug has been fixed.
  • After the ability to kidnap males was added to the game, the female pronouns in the Yakua’s menu became outdated. That menu has been updated to use gender-neutral terms.
  • If the player sent a male mind-broken slave to kill Raibaru and the slave failed, the slave would fail to perform the suicide animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved the game while a student was burning inside of the kiln and then loaded that save, the kiln would not be active. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player completed Gema’s task and then kidnapped him, he would revert back to his original appearance in your basement. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, if the player assigned “Loose Socks” to a female student, that student would not wear any panties. Oops! This bug has been fixed.
  • In the “Taro and the current rival walk to school” cutscene, the rival’s eyes and Ayano’s eyes were solid white. This bug has been fixed.
  • When the Sports Club boys changed into their club uniforms, their clothing texture would appear on their skin. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 202X, if a bully girl was kidnapped, her skin would be the wrong color in the basement. This bug has been fixed.
  • Custom bookbag textures were functioning correctly on female rivals, but not male rivals. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, a panty texture was being applied to female faculty members’ faces. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player kidnapped Gema, his accessories would clip through his blindfold. This bug has been fixed.
  • In the Custom Mode menu, the gym teacher was permanently smiling. This bug has been fixed.
  • Amai wasn’t using the right eye shape in her student portrait. It has been updated.
  • Fixed typo in the elimination method labels in the Custom Mode menu.

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