August 18th Bug-Fixing Build

Oops! There was one bug in the previous build that was so detrimental to gameplay, I decided that I should fix it release a new build right away.

The latest build contains some other fixes and improvements too, though! To read a list of everything that was fixed in the latest build, please scroll down past this charming drawing of Amai by envil!

August 18th Bug-Fixing Build


  • To keep the theme of everything in 1980s Mode being a throwback to the original content of Yandere Simulator from 2014~2015, the texture of the school incinerator will now change in 1980s Mode to more closely resemble the original incinerator texture.
  • Info-chan’s Schemes menu now features unique icons for the various “Eliminate Raibaru” Schemes.
  • The Content Checklist icons now feature Osana instead of Raibaru!
  • Updated Amai’s student portrait.


  • If the player entered first-person mode after killing a student, the game would incorrectly believe that the player was standing too close to a student, and would move the player backwards. This bug became extremely noticeable if the player killed 50+ students, since the game would move the player backwards 50 times, causing the player to appear as if they were being teleported backwards just for entering first-person mode. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player left a corpse in the clubroom for a club that was going to shut down at the end of the day, then, during the end-of-day police investigation sequence, that corpse would be visible in the cutscene about the club shutting down. It was weird and awkward, so this will no longer happen.
  • If the player spoke to the Yakuza, mashed through the dialogue, and returned to gameplay while one of the Yakuza’s voice lines was still playing, Ryoba’s lips would move to the sound of the Yakuza’s voice, even though she wasn’t the one who was supposed to be speaking. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Amai was in an event, she would become completely blind, and would not even notice corpses on the ground. This bug has been fixed; she will now ignore petty things (such as the player crouching) during an event, but won’t ignore serious things like corpses.
  • In Custom Mode, removing clothing in the shower building will no longer cause the protagonist to change their hairstyle, since this could result in the unwanted outcome of the protagonist losing the custom hairstyle that the player chose for them.
  • If the player wore a yellow raincoat, activated Yandere Vision, then took the raincoat off, switched to a black robe, and activated Yandere Vision, the black robe would start using the texture of the yellow raincoat. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player created a chain of water puddles and threw a car battery into one of the puddles, the electricity would stop as soon as it touched a student, instead of continuing down the water puddle chain. This bug has been fixed.
  • Sometimes, any character with a “erase chalk from chalkboard” routine would become unable to pathfind to the chalkboard and would just spin in circles in front of the chalkboard forever. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used Yandere Vision while a character was dropping a garbage bag into the incinerator, it was possible to watch the garbage bag fall through the ground indefinitely. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player sent a robot to kill a student, and then the player drowned that student, the robot would attempt to kill the student in the middle of their drowning animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player completed Homu’s Task while a car battery was in their bookbag, the car battery would remain in the bookbag even after the Task had been completed. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved the game while a student was inside of the Iron Maiden and then loaded that save, numerous bugs would occur. This circumstance is no longer possible.
  • If the player created a female Custom Mode character with an “Eyewear” value above 0, the game would fail to properly load the school scene. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a male suitor was wearing any non-default school uniform, their blush would appear on their body rather than their face. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player listened to both Basement Tapes, the “Listen to all Basement Tapes” achievement would not pop up. This bug has been fixed.
  • Killing Sonoko during a Mission Mode mission would activate slow motion, even if she wasn’t a target. This bug has been fixed.
  • In the 1980s Mode Tutorial, the box of garbage bags was erroneously labeled as “Makeshift Body Bags.” This bug has been fixed.
  • Due to a bug, it became impossible to cut the rope holding up the sandbag in the school gym. This bug has been fixed.

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