August 5th Bug-Fixing Build

Whoops! There were some significant bugs in the last build. I’ve prepared an update that should fix all of the issues that were reported.

To read a full list of everything that got added/fixed/changed/improved, please scroll down past this absolutely adorable Amai drawn by SolvionL!

August 5th Bug-Fixing Build

Home-Cooked Meals

It is now possible for Ayano to approach the stove in her home, cook a meal, and eat it for breakfast!

August 5th Bug-Fixing Build

The idea is that each meal would grant a different type of benefit to the player.

August 5th Bug-Fixing Build

These meals currently do not grant any type of benefit to the player; I just wanted to get the basic functionality into the game so that benefits can be added later.

August 5th Bug-Fixing Build

The current plan is for each benefit to be something like…

  • 20% extra movement speed
  • 20% more study points gained during class
  • 20% more reputation points gained when complimenting someone

However, if these benefits sound extremely boring, I’m open to the idea of considering other, more unique benefits. You’re welcome to share suggestions in the comment section below.


  • For years, the Light Music Club girls have been using the same portrait poses as the bully girls. Their portrait poses have now been changed to unique poses. (They may be tweaked further in the future.)
  • In Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki, “Magical Mode” just got a bit easier – the player now has 5 health instead of 3 health.
  • From now on, if the player gets a game over while police sirens can be heard, the police sirens will fade to silence.
  • Horo’s tablet will no longer be present on his desk if he is currently holding it in his hands.


  • In Custom Mode, if the player entered the Alphabet Killer Challenge and then activated and deactivated the cloaking device, the protagonist’s hairstyle would change. This bug has been fixed. (By the way, the shape of the custom protagonist’s hair will not be visible when the player is cloaked; she will appear bald. This is intentional.)
  • If the player spoke to a student who was being targeted by Homu’s robot, the robot would kill the student while the player was still speaking with them, and the conversation interface would remain onscreen while the student was dying. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed a student who was being targeted by Homu’s robot, the robot would enter a standing animation and slide across the ground while repeatedly playing an explosion sound effect. This bug has been fixed.
  • Outside of the “Ayano betrays Amai” cutscene, if the player used the “Skip” button to skip any visual novel scene, they would skip to the 12th line of dialogue instead of skipping to the end. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player completed Homu Kurusu’s Task and then killed or kidnapped her, her robot would become available on the subsequent day, even though she wasn’t available to complete the robot. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player picked up a container of bleach, picked up a mop without dropping the bleach, and then approached a bucket, a “Pour Bleach” button prompt would appear over the bucket. This bug has been fixed.
  • After a robot kills a student by ripping their heart out, their heart now counts as evidence of a murder, and must be picked up and disposed of in order to prevent the police from being called to school.
  • If the player approached Senpai while he was weeping over the corpse of a rival and distracted him, he would restart the “discovering rival’s corpse and mourning her” sequence. This bug has been fixed.
  • On any day that the bullies were targeting a student for bullying, two of those bullies would go stand in Ayano’s classroom instead of performing their usual routine. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player instructed the robot to kill a student standing on a grassy part of the school plaza, the robot could get stuck on the archways in the plaza. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player purchased Osana-specific gifts during Week 1 and never used them, they would magically transform into Amai-specific gifts in Week 2. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player entered the Basement and then entered the Hardware Menu, the upstairs music would play instead of the basement music. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player activated the Genocide Ending in 1980s Mode or Custom Mode, the wrong music would play during the credits. This oversight has been corrected.
  • If the player took a photo while the robot’s head was twitching, the robot’s head would continue to twitch even in the photo. This bug has been fixed.
  • It is no longer possible to interact with the robot arms in the Science Club if Homu’s robot is no longer on the same platform as the robot arms.
  • If the player listened to a basement tape and then entered first-person view, the smartphone camera would not appear. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved the game and then loaded that save, the raincoat would teleport to the occult robe’s location. This bug has been fixed.
  • It is no longer possible for the player to send a robot to kill a student who is already targeted by a mind-broken slave (and vice versa).
  • In any Mission Mode mission with Nemesis enabled, the player would not be able to use an emergency shower. This bug has been fixed.
  • Due to a bug, characters were no longer reacting when the player aimed a camera at them. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the player from being able to enter the “Dismembering Corpses” tutorial.
  • Genka’s mom’s hair was using the wrong shader in the memorial cutscene. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 202X Mode, the Student Council was failing to attend club meetings. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Mission Mode, Nemesis was carrying a gift bag in her hands. This bug has been fixed.

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