March 16th Bug-Fixing Build

Oops! There were two pretty significant problems in the most recent build, so I’ve uploaded a build that fixes those two issues (and also contains some other improvements and fixes, as well).

To read a list of what got fixed and improved, please scroll down past this adorable artwork of Kokuma Jutsu in casual clothing drawn by eeennnnenen! I always love seeing artists draw what they imagine the characters wearing when they’re not in their school uniforms!

March 16th Bug-Fixing Build


  • The confirmation window that appears when trying to activate the “Amai Challenge” has been updated to inform the player that the Amai Challenge’s functionality has been reduced and no longer offers a meaningful experience.
  • Re-arranged models in the Home Ec room to prevent pathfinding issues that were discovered while playtesting Amai.
  • A few lines of text that would constitute slight spoilers for Amai’s week have been removed from the game.


  • In the 1980s Mode Mission Mode Menu, if the player used the “Load Mission” feature to load a Mission Mode ID that was valid for 202X Mode but shouldn’t be valid for 1980s Mode, the mission would be loaded and some menu options that are meant to be unavailable in 1980s Mode would be available. This bug has been fixed.
  • In the most recent build, the act of opening a student’s Student Info screen caused the game to pause for a few seconds. This was due to an oversight. The oversight has been corrected, so from now on, that pause will no longer be occurring.
  • In the 1980s Mode Mission Mode Menu, if the player highlighted an invalid menu option, it was possible to see a button prompt appear implying that the player could interact with the invalid option. This bug has been fixed.
  • During Osana’s week, the delinquent boys were spawning in an incorrect location (and all spawning in the exact same point in space, making them appear to be one entity with many legs). This bug has been fixed.
  • If the “Police Checklist” appeared and the player used water to wash blood off of a murder weapon, the “Dispose of Murder Weapon” checkmark would fail to appear. This bug has been fixed.
  • In the 1980s Mode Mission Mode Menu, the text that should have said “Yakuza Mode: On/Off” was instead saying “Nemesis: On/Off” ; this bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, certain combinations of attributes could cause a student’s body/clothing to appear solid white. This bug has been fixed.
  • In the Custom Mode menu, it was impossible to customize the 21st student on the list of students. This bug has been fixed.
  • In the 202X Mode tutorial, it was impossible to complete the “Following and Kidnapping” tutorial. This bug has been fixed.

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