June 15th Update

Before I continue with the blog post, I’d like to remind you that I’m going to be posting concept art on my Patreon for 30 days in a row!


I’ve prepared a new build for you. It’s mostly about bug fixes and improvements, but it does contain one significant new feature, which I hope will improve your experience.

To read a list of everything that was added, changed, fixed, or improved in the latest build, scroll down past this gorgeous artwork by chinetsu_ai! (Just look at the amount of detail in the background – that must have taken a long time to put together!)

New Feature

Previously, there were only three ways to earn money: get it from Info-chan, work at the maid cafe, or sell a kidnapped girl to the Yakuza. I was worried about something: if the player doesn’t want to use Info-chan, doesn’t want to kidnap, and finds the maid minigame to be frustrating, then there is no way for them to earn money in the game. To solve this problem, I’ve added a new feature that I wanted the game to have for a long time:

From now on, when you are in the protagonist’s home at nighttime, you will have the option of working at a part time job in order to earn some money. Upgrading your school subjects changes the amount of money that you earn; for example, a higher Biology rank means that you’ll earn more money from your job working at the hospital.

Currently, there is no artwork, animation, or interactivity whatsoever for these part-time jobs. I’m satisfied with this – since the functionality is the only thing that matters to me – but if a lot of players are very disappointed by this, then it’s possible I might try to add some form of visuals in the future.

The minimum amount of money that you can earn is $100. With a fully upgraded school subject, you’ll earn $200. (The most money you can earn from doing the maid cafe minigame is over $200, so it’s still superior to doing the part-time jobs, unless you’re in a big hurry.)


  • If a victim’s fingerprints are on the same weapon that killed them, one possible conclusion is that the victim committed suicide. However, the police in Yandere Sim never draw this conclusion. This is because the wounds on a murder victim’s body look completely unlike the wounds you would expect to see on the body of someone who has killed themself. However, the text that displayed during the End-of-Day police investigation sequence did not explain this, so a lot of people reported this as a “bug.” The text has been adjusted so that it is more clear why the police are not considering suicide as a possibility when they find a victim under those circumstances.
  • Previously, if the player activated the Alphabet Killer Challenge, that save file would permanently become an ABC Killer save file, and it would be impossible to return to normal gameplay. Some players expressed a desire to return to normal gameplay, so from now on, if you exit to the main menu and re-load that save file, you will no longer be in ABC Killer mode, and you will be able to resume normal gameplay.
  • If the player tries to electrocute Ai without understanding every step of the electrocution process, they will be confused as to what they forgot to do. From now on, if the player tries to electrocute Ai, notifications now appear at the top of the screen to explain what part of the process hasn’t been completed yet.
  • I’ve been provided with a new model to use when decorating the school environment. For now, it can only be seen in one place – outside of the entrance to the school gym. It might be duplicated and placed in other locations, as well, but for now, it can only be found in one spot.
  • In Moeko’s introduction cutscene, she is meant to be standing in front of a barrel with a fire inside of it. However, in the 3D render for this cutscene, there was no fire effect inside of the barrel. That render has been replaced with a new one that does feature a fire effect.
  • Ryoba and the Yakuza’s lips now move during their alleyway conversations. Also, the Yakuza’s eyes now move, instead of permanently looking directly forward at all times.
  • Up until now, Daisaku – the Enforcer of the 1980s Mode student council – was using the same “push” animation as the delinquents. He now has a unique push animation.
  • The camera will now zoom out a bit further when you’re using the Flame Demon easter egg so that you can actually see what you’re doing.


  • If the player forced a mind-broken bully to kill herself and then carried the corpse of that bully in front of the delinquents, the delinquents would fail to recognize it as a bully, and would attack the player, instead of giving the correct response, which is to congratulate the player for killing a bully. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed a student while a nurse was obtaining medicine for that student, the nurse would pathfind to the student’s corpse no matter how far away they were placed from the spot where they were murdered, but would be unable to proceed with the “call the police” code after discovering the corpse. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player eliminated their rival with a non-lethal method (such as bullying) and also sabotaged a Senpai-Rival interaction event on the same day, the game would display the “Progress to eliminating your rival with sabotage…” screen, even though the rival was already eliminated. This was unnecessary, so it has been removed.
  • If the protagonist was aiming a throwable object at the moment that a rival’s confession began, the throwable object would be visible in her hand (and the camera would probably not rotate properly) once it was time to show the protagonist reaction to her rival’s confession (or rejection).
  • If the player spoke to Moeko while she was about to perform her “start a fire” activity and told her to go do something else (like check her locker for a note) she would begin performing the “start a fire” activity at another location. This should no longer happen.
  • If the player advanced to Friday and then returned to the title screen (from the pause menu in the protagonist’s home or a game over at school) and then loaded their save, the day would automatically advance from Friday to Saturday. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player murdered a bully and then a delinquent witnessed the player mopping up blood (while the bully’s corpse was nowhere in sight), the delinquent would react as if he was watching the player murder a bully. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player eliminated a student by pushing them from the school rooftop and the police discovered the corpse, the corpse would not increment the “Corpses Discovered” number on the Calendar Stats screen. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player initiated a Martial Arts Club Activity while any member of the club was extremely far away from the player, that character’s animations would be disabled during the club activity cutscene. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player spoke to a student while they were in the middle of a “changing clothing” animation, the student would attempt to walk away while in the middle of a conversation with the player. This bug has been fixed.
  • If you befriended a delinquent, he would stop shoving you on subsequent days, but he would still shove you on the day that you befriended him. Oops! This was unintentional. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player kidnapped a student and drove their rival to suicide on the same day, the game would only acknowledge the kidnapping and not acknowledge the suicide. This bug has been fixed.
  • Previously, if the player disabled Depth of Field or Ambient Occlusion, those two post-proessing effects would remain active in the street scene. This has been fixed.
  • In Ayano’s room, Senpai’s right eye would reflect the eye color that the player chose for him, but his left eye would be the wrong color. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player activated the “Panty Censor” and then activated the “Portrait Scene”, a panty censor would appear over teachers’ faces. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player pushed a student from the rooftop and the cops discovered the corpse, a memorial would not be held the next day. This bug has been fixed.
  • The phone addict “countdown until evidence of murder has been posted on social media” countdown timer was not counting down. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player incinerated bloody weapons, the game would incorrectly believe that bloody weapons were present at school. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a blood-cleaning robot cleaned up a puddle of blood while a character was investigating it, bugs would occur. This issue will no longer occur.
  • If the player attempted to dump a male corpse into the barrel behind the school, the corpse would not enter the barrel. This bug has been fixed.
  • The walkways of the school have borders, but some of the walkways around the school fountain did not have proper borders. This has been fixed.
  • One of the bushes near the school gym was located too close, causing leaves to clip through the wall, into the gym. This has been fixed.
  • It was possible for Chigusa’s followers to follow her into the bathroom under specific circumstances. This should no longer be possible.
  • If the player activated the Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki easter egg, Miyuki’s face would have the wrong texture. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that would cause characters to get stuck on some of the pool chairs when trying to pathfind around the pool area.
  • It was possible to activate debug commands during the 1980s Mode tutorial. This was an oversight. It is no longer possible.
  • The “low sanity reverb” effect was a lot stronger than it was intended to be. This oversight has been corrected.
  • Some of the classroom clocks and trash cans were flipped backwards. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed typo in the subtitles for Teiko’s Monday morning interaction with Senpai.
  • Fixed typo in the “Notes in Lockers” idea in Ryoba’s notepad.

Fan Spotlight

A fan of Yandere Simulator worked really hard on a video, and I’d like to acknowledge the work she put into her creation: it’s a re-imagining of the Yandere Simulator introduction cutscene.

There are a lot of differences between this video and the official cutscene; some of those changes actually do feel like meaningful improvements to me, and in the near future, I might adjust one or two elements of the in-game cutscene to incorporate some of the aspects of this video.

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