Unveiling the Dark Side: A Guide to Joining the Bullies in Yandere Simulator

Among its diverse characters, the bullies stand out as a particularly intriguing group. On the surface, they appear as cherubic figures, but underneath lies a grotesque and malevolent nature. In this composition, we will delve into the methods of gaining entry into this faction, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of aligning oneself with them.

Befriending Bullies

To join the bullies, you will first need to befriend all of them. At the beginning of the game, the bullies will consider you to be a shy and uptight girl. Therefore, you must complete a series of tasks for each bully to befriend them. Below is a guide on how to befriend each of the bullies.

Musume :
Musume’s task involves lowering the reputation of a certain girl at school named Maka Tensei by 10 points. Once you have completed this task, you must go back to school the next day to complete Musume’s task.

Musume’s no.2 task involves distracting a teacher before pressing a button prompt. Doing so will cause Musume’s social being to be displayed on the TV, which will allow you to complete her task.

Kashiko’s task involves finding a date for Hojiro Zamashiro from the sports club. She doesn’t want to ask him herself, so she asks you to do it for her. However, you must first befriend Hojiro before attempting to matchmake them. Once you have befriended Hojiro, you can complete his task, which involves finding a certain object in the school.

The first task is for Ayanna, who needs to find a good opportunity to get her bag back after it was taken away by a faculty member.

Kokoro, who needs to obtain a pregnancy test. It sounds like this request was suspicious or difficult for her to complete.

Hoshiko needs to prank someone by pouring brain paint into a bucket of water and pouring it on them. It seems like this is a physical prank and the goal is to get a specific type of photo as evidence.

Pros and Cons of Being a Bully

Now that you know how to befriend the bullies let’s discuss the pros and cons of being one.


1. You will have a group of friends who will support you no matter what. Being part of the bullies means that you will have a close-knit group of friends who will stand by you, no matter what happens.

2. The bullies have a lot of power in the school and can intimidate other students. The bullies have a lot of influence in the school, and they can use it to intimidate and bully other students.

3. Being a bully can be a fun and challenging gameplay experience. Joining the bullies can provide a unique and exciting gameplay experience, making the game more challenging and enjoyable.


1. Being a bully means that you will have to hurt and harass other students. To be part of the bullies, you will have to hurt and harass other students, which can be a disturbing experience for some players.

2. The other students will fear and dislike you, making it difficult to interact with them. Being a bully means that the other students will fear and dislike you, which can make it challenging to interact with them.

3. If you get caught by the game’s authority figures, you will face severe consequences. If you get caught by the game’s authority figures, you will face severe consequences that could jeopardize your gameplay.

In conclusion, joining the bullies in Yandere Simulator can be a challenging and exciting experience. However, it comes with its own set of pros and cons. Ultimately, it is up to the player to decide whether they want to be a ruthless bully or a more compassionate character. Regardless of which path you choose, Yandere Simulator is a game that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Are you tired of being the victim of bullying in Yandere Simulator? It’s time to take charge and put a stop to it with the Yandere Simulator Bullies Mod! This incredible mod gives you the power to control the bullies and make them do your bidding. No longer will you have to cower in fear, because with the Bullies Mod, you’re the boss!

Want to teach those bullies a lesson and make them leave your senpai alone? You got it. Want to make them apologize for their bad behavior? Piece of cake. The Bullies Mod puts the power back in your hands and lets you put an end to bullying once and for all.

Don’t let those bullies push you around any longer. Download the Yandere Simulator Bullies Mod today and take control of your game!

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