Unity 6 Update

Hello! I’ve got some news for you!

For the past few years, Yandere Sim has been running on version 2020.3.13f1. Being on such an old and outdated version of Unity came with numerous downsides, such as not having access to Unity’s analytics tracking (which tells me how many people are currently playing the game, etc) and not being able to export the most recent version of the game to Android. (Also, updating the game engine usually results in better performance / improved framerate.)

I was very hesitant to update to the latest version of Unity, since there was a possibility that code/shaders from Unity 2020 would be incompatible with Unity 6, resulting in an avalanche of new bugs. Well, I finally decided to give it a try today – and I’m happy to say that the process went pretty smoothly! A few scenes had lighting errors, but I was able to correct them.

I’ve exported a new build of the game – the first build that runs on Unity 6. There are no differences whatsoever between this build and the previous build (released 20 hours ago) except for the game engine change; I’m making this build available because I’d like to ask you to download it, play it, and inform me if anything appears to have broken in the transition from Unity 2020 to Unity 6. If you find any scenes that are rendering solid black, or any situations where lighting/shadows look bizarre, please e-mail me and let me know about it!

As always, the latest build of the game can be found over at https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/downloads/

(Now that I’ve successfully upgraded to Unity 6, I’m extremely curious to learn if I can finally export a build of Yandere Simulator that runs on Android devices…)
