Make Your Teachers Killable with Yandere Simulator Mod Version 1.2


Do you want to make your teachers killable in Yandere Simulator? Then you should download the latest version of the Killable Teachers Mod Ver. 1.2. This mod replaces all the teachers with their original model (with a brown ponytail, It is compatible with the January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd versions of the Yandere Simulator.

Installing the mod is very easy.

First, download the students.json file.

Then, go to the Yandere Simulator main folder (YanSim….Data).

Inside the StreamingAssets folder, open the JSON folder and replace the regular .json file with the .json file you downloaded.

That’s it! The mod is now installed and ready to be used.

If you are looking for an updated version of the mod, you can comment down below and we can provide the latest version.

The link for the .json file download:

Having the ability to make your teachers killable in Yandere Simulator is a great way to add more excitement to the game. With this mod, you can now take on the role of a yandere and make sure that no teacher stands in your way. No matter what the situation, you can now eliminate any teacher that is causing you problems.

So if you are looking for a way to make your teachers killable in Yandere Simulator, then you should give the Killable Teachers Mod Ver. 1.2 a try. It is an easy-to-install mod and it will add a whole new level of excitement to your game. So what are you waiting for? Download the mod and start killing your teachers today!

