June 5th Bug-Fixing Build

Before I continue with the blog post, I’d like to remind you that I’m going to be posting concept art on my Patreon for 30 days in a row!

There was an aspect of the game that I thought was working perfectly, but it turned out that it actually had a problem. Unfortunately, the problem only manifested itself after exporting a build of the game – not while testing the game within the Unity editor – so it took me a long time to recognize and fix the problem. The problem was the “Accept task, go home, can’t finish task on next day” bug. It should be fixed now.

Also, there was another issue that a lot of people were complaining about. Many users were reporting the inability to create a bikini in the Sewing Room, which is essential for completing Chigusa’s task. This is another one of those “It works fine for me, I don’t understand why it doesn’t work for you” type of bugs. I haven’t made any attempt to fix the bug – because I still have absolutely no idea what causes it to happen – but I have added a new debug command that grants the player a free bikini, so that if you somehow encounter this mysterious bikini bug, you’ll at least have a way around it.

To read the list of everything that was changed in the latest build, scroll down past this absolutely chilling illustration of Ayano by Aya 0w0:

Bikini Debug Command

I am unable to replicate the “Can’t create a bikini in the Sewing Room” bug. I am not sure if this means that the bug is fixed, or if it means that nobody has properly reported the exact steps that must be followed to trigger the bug to happen.

If the bug persists in this build of the game, I don’t want it to lock players out of the S+ Ending and force players to wait until the next build for a fix. So, I have added a debug command to the game to give the player a free bikini. While at school, type ” B I K I N I ” to obtain the bikini. You don’t even have to enable debug commands to make it possible.


Before you use the debug command, please try to create the bikini the proper way. If the bug has already been fixed, and the debug command is entirely unnecessary, I need to be informed of this.


  • The game’s audio now gains a reverb effect when the protagonist’s sanity is low. The reverb effect gets more intense the lower your sanity drops. To really appreciate the difference between normal audio and low sanity audio, mute the game’s soundtrack with the “M” key. (This was a pre-crowdfunding checklist item! Yay for the checklist getting smaller!)
  • If the player got into a physical struggle while really close to a wall, the camera would clip into the wall, preventing the player from seeing what was actually going on. From now on, if the game detects that the camera is too close to a wall, the characters will re-position themselves so that the camera is no longer clipping into a wall while watching the fight.
  • The above adjustment has not only been made for fighting Heroic students and faculty members, but has also been made for the delinquent combat minigame, as well. (The delinquent minigame uses completely different code, so updating the way that the camera works for that minigame was an entirely separate process.)
  • The reputation bar now displays your current reputation in numerical form, instead of forcing you to guess what your current reputation is by looking at the position of a bar relative to another bar.


  • If the player killed a student who belonged to club in order to get the club shut down, the clubroom’s doors would be locked on subsequent days. If the player lockpicked one of the locked doors to open it, then asked a student to follow them into the clubroom, then told the student to stop following them, the student would attempt to exit through a locked door, and would become permanently stuck on the door. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player started a playthrough with the “No Alerts” challenge active and then ended the day with murder evidence present at school and the police were called to Akademi, the player would not fail the “No Alerts” challenge. This was an exploit and was against the spirit of the challenge, so this oversight has been corrected.
  • If the player joined the Occult Club and then saved and loaded, the Occult Club’s “Numbness” benefit would double, giving the player 0% sanity loss upon murder. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the player from being able to complete a Task if they went home without turning in the Task.
  • Fixed bug that made it impossible to pick up the scissors in the Sewing Club.