June 1st Update

Hello! I’ve got a new build for you!

The focus of this update was to fix bugs, remove exploits, and polish things that look janky. In that regard, it’s an especially big update – there is a HUGE number of differences between this build and the previous build: 15 improvements and a whopping 80 bug fixes. That’s right, EIGHTY bugs fixed! Man, it was a ton of work…but it’s necessary stuff that has to get done.

“What? Just bug fixes? Nooooo! I want to see progress on the pre-crowdfunding checklist!”

Yeah, me too. But if bugs get reported, I have to fix them. I’ll continue working on pre-crowdfunding checklist when I’m no longer receiving bug reports.

I also worked on other things as well, including a new feature that people have been requesting for a long time, but it’s not 100% finished yet, so you’ll have to wait until the next update to see it.

Because I updated so many aspects of the game in this update, I’m kind of worried that at least one or two new bugs got created. If there are any huge problems with this build, I’ll upload a new one as soon as possible.

To see the list of everything that changed in the latest build, scroll down past this gorgeous illustration of Musume by haihondaitao!

Rival Task Update

Chigusa refused to discuss her task with Ryoba unless Ryoba had increased her seduction stat. However, if the player reached Week 9 without raising their seduction stat at all, there would not be enough time to level up the seduction stat. In this circumstance, the player would lose the ability to befriend Chigusa, thus failing their S+ rank run. I really disliked this, so Chigusa’s “Criteria to discuss Task” has been changed.

Chigusa now wants to know what you look like in a bikini before she discusses her task with you. You now have the ability to make a bikini using fabric found in the Sewing Room. After creating a bikini, the “Change into School Swimsuit” option in the girls’ shower building will be replaced by a “Change into Bikini” option.


  • The 4 student council boys of 1980s Mode were all using the same shove animation – the “delinquent” shove animation. This animation looked out-of-place for most them, since it didn’t match their personalities. Ken and Joze have been given new “Um, I’m sorry, but would you please back up a bit?” animations that suit their personalities much better, and Reichii has been given a new animation that suits his cold, fearless personality; he repels Ryoba with his threatening aura alone.
  • The player is not allowed to interact with burning corpses. Many players were confused by this, and didn’t understand why they couldn’t pick up flaming bodies – they thought it was a glitch. So, from now on, if the player tries to interact with a burning corpse, a little notification will appear and let them know that they have to wait until it stops burning first.
  • If the player joined a club and then wore a raincoat, the club’s accessory would appear on top of the raincoat, often clipping into the raincoat, which looked janky. From now on, club accessories will disappear when wearing a raincoat, and re-appear when removing the raincoat.
  • When Chigusa is someplace where boys can’t follow her (like the girls’ locker room) her followers stood perfectly still, performing their idle animations. This looked goofy, so now they will perform “waiting impatiently” animations instead.
  • From now on, the act of returning a kidnapped student to school (by selling that student to the Yakuza) will increase school atmosphere by 10% (essentially undoing the damage that is done by letting the student disappear).
  • Previously, in every bathroom in the game, there was a single wall that didn’t share the same tiling texture as the other walls. This has been fixed; all bathrooms now have consistent walls.
  • The manga books in the protagonist’s room now rotate at half the speed they previously did, so that it’s easier to admire the beautiful artwork that was created for each book.
  • If you place an image named “CustomLoose.png” into the StreamingAssets folder, that image will be applied to Ayano’s hair when she is wearing a towel.
  • A new “long gloves” model and texture has been created. (Also, the long gloves won’t clip through the school uniform anymore.)
  • The protagonist’s feet now cause footstep sounds when she walks around in her home (both in her room and in her basement).
  • Updated the icons for 1980s Mode generic tasks. (The previous pink icons will be re-used somewhere else in the game.)
  • A “sewing machine” sound effect will now play when the player uses a sewing machine to sew a scarf for a student.
  • Senpai’s “waiting for Osana to show up” animation looked pretty bad, so it has been replaced with a better one.
  • Updated the bleacher models so that blades of grass no longer clip into the first step of the stairs.


  • The player must perform a club activity once per week in order to avoid getting kicked out of a club. The club leader only allows the player to begin a club activity if he is standing in his club. On Friday, Geiju doesn’t spend time in his club; he paints the confession tree. This means that the player was unable to perform club activities with the Art Club on Fridays. This was unfair to the player, and an oversight. It has been corrected.
  • If the player kills more than half of the school’s population, a game over occurs. If the rival was killed, as well, then the game would put Senpai into the “mourning, not coming to school” state and then give the player a game over. This means that, after resetting the game, Senpai would not be at school, even though the player had reset to an earlier point in time, before their game over. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student was distracted by a stink bomb while investigating a dropped object, they would remain in the “investigating dropped object” state, which means that they could later be snapped out of any state (such as reacting to a murder) by picking up that dropped object, even if it was hours later. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a Heroic student spotted the protagonist disposing of a corpse and began a struggle with the protagonist, the protagonist would simultaneously be in “disposing of corpse” and “struggling” state at the same time. After the struggle ended, the “disposing of corpse” state would be permanent. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player attempted to draw a student to the other side of a wall with a distraction while the student was standing sufficiently close enough to the sound of the distraction, the student would not walk anywhere, since they would believe that they were already at the correct location. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a character with the authority to send Ayano to the guidance counselor noticed Ayano in a “send to guidance counselor” state (for example, covered in blood) while Ayano was behind the matchmaking tree in the “matchmaking” state, Ayano would be in both states simultaneously. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player placed a water cooler trap inside of a classroom and then attended class to teleport all students inside of their classrooms, a student would set off the water cooler trap, but would fail to enter the “splashed with water, running to locker room” state. This bug has been fixed.
  • When Ayano changes into a towel, she unties her ponytail. When she changes back into clean clothing, she restores her ponytail. However, if the player used the shower building to change into a club clothing, Ayano’s hairstyle would not return to being a ponytail. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player entered the Martial Arts Club sparring minigame while one of the members of the club was in the process of investigating a dropped object or returning a dropped object to its proper location, that student would forget about the dropped object. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed Chigusa (the 9th 1980s Mode rival) and then returned to school on a subsequent day, the school bell would ring nonstop, because the game was trying to locate Chigusa and couldn’t find her, so it couldn’t proceed past the first school bell chime of the day.
  • If the player killed a student and hid the body, then got sent to the guidance counselor and got expelled from school, the game would acknowledge the dead body enter the police investigation sequence instead of giving the player a game over. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player stood in a puddle of water and dropped a car battery towards the water right before activating the “Offer Help” prompt, the player would be in the “game over” state and the “offering help to rival” state simultaneously. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player changed their “Persona” at a mirror in order to change their idle and walk animations, the “throw stink bomb” animation would not be able to play properly, preventing the player from being able to throw stink bombs. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player wore a painter’s smock, got it bloody, changed clothing, then cleaned the painter’s smock and changed back into it, then saved and loaded the game, the protagonist would wear a towel instead of the painter’s smock. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a mind-broken slave attacked a target who was reacting to a “Send Home” text from Info-chan, the target would break out of the mind-broken slave’s attack animation and would run home, while covered in blood and stab wounds. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player had Yandere Vision active before using the Cooking Club’s refrigerator to prepare food or using a drinking fountain to clean a weapon, Yandere Vision would remain active while the animation was being performed. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student council member observed Ayano being knocked out by a delinquent, she would enter a state of perpetually reacting to the sight with a scream, never exiting that state, since a game over had begun. This bug should now be fixed, I think.
  • When the player performed a club activity with the science club in 1989, the other clubmembers were depicted wearing 202X labcoats (and the text that displayed onscreen wasn’t appropriate for the 1989 science club). This bug has been fixed.
  • The player is only allowed to perform the Light Music Club practice minigame once per day. However, if the player saved and loaded, they would be able to perform the minigame an infinite number of times per day. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player had two prisoners in their basement of differing levels of sanity and interacted with the 2nd prisoner, the 1st prisoner would update her animations to reflect the 2nd prisoner’s level of sanity. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player spoke to a club leader about performing a Club Practice activity, the player would be unable to back out of the practice menu, and would only be able to exit the screen by performing practice. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player was able to tranquilize a student in the gym storage room while the doors to the room were still closing, the doors would not become solid, and it would be possible to pass through them. This bug has been fixed.
  • By accessing the “Find a student’s locker” menu and then pressing Accept, Exit, and the pause key at the same time, it was possible to make the pause screen believe that it was the Student Info menu. This bug has been fixed.
  • A debug command was accidentally left in the game, making it possible to gossip about Osana online without gaining her “embarrassing secret” and also gossip about her online multiple times per week. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player lowered a student’s reputation to beneath -150 and also kidnapped her on the same day, the game would consider that student to be both “kidnapped” and “dead” at the same time. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player put Senpai into a “mourning rival’s death” state so that he would not come to school, and then played the Light Music Club rhythm minigame, Senpai would reappear at school. This bug has been fixed.
  • All students are meant to have green outlines from the start of the game in 1980s Mode. However, due to a bug, students were not getting those outlines in the Alphabet Killer Challenge. This bug has been fixed.
  • The bullies are scared of Raibaru, and aren’t supposed to bully her. Due to a bug, bullies would walk up to Raibaru as if they’re going to bully her, and then walk away. This was unintended, and has been fixed.
  • If the player got a Heartbroken game over from Senpai while fighting with a delinquent, the camera would stay stuck in “fighting with delinquent” mode, and wouldn’t aim properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a suitor’s club shut down, his routine would change, and he would not check his locker for a love letter on Friday, making the matchmaking elimination become impossible. This bug has been fixed.
  • The player is not meant to be able to save the game under some circumstances. Due to a bug, it was possible to save the game while dismembered limbs were present at school. This bug has been fixed.
  • It was possible for the player to run while being chased by a teacher if the teacher began chasing the player immediately before the player exited combat with a delinquent. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved the game while a body was in the woodchipper and then loaded the save, the player would not be able to activate the woodchipper to dispose of the body. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player dropped a plate of food and then immediately saved the game while the plate was still in midair, the plate would be hovering in midair upon loading the save. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player electrocuted Osana while she was standing under the confession tree, she would perform the “shy hand-wringing” animation over her electrocution animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player learned a rival’s secret (about the “evil photographer”) and then saved and load the game, the game would not remember that the secret had been learned. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player activated low-detail students, moved away from Chigusa while she was wearing a swimsuit, and then approached her, her school uniform would re-activate. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player was spotted by a Heroic student while concealing a corpse, the player would not be able to exit the concealing animation and return to gameplay. This bug has been fixed.
  • Under certain circumstances, the protagonist’s head would twitch during the “_____ stalks Senpai until he has returned home” part of the End-of-Day sequence. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player pushed Ritsuko into the pool, saved, and loaded, the police investigation would believe that two girls both named Ritsuko had died that day. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved and loaded the game while Chigusa was performing her photo shoot, the game would fail to restore her to the proper state upon loading. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player stepped into a blood puddle while wearing bloody shoes, a bloody footprint would appear in the blood puddle, but would flicker rapidly. This bug has been fixed.
  • The act of murdering Osana by tying a heavy weight around her hair and dumping her in the school pool did not lower Ayano’s sanity. This was an oversight. It has been fixed.
  • The panties that the protagonist was wearing in the street scene did not reflect the panties that the player chose while in the protagonist’s home. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player activated the “No Yakuza” or “No Newspaper” Challenges, the “No Info-chan” and “No Gaming” icons would appear on the pause screen. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player activated “low-detail students,” some students would appear low-detail even in the “End of Day” sequence. This wasn’t intended, so it has been corrected.
  • If the player electrocuted a student while they were vomiting, the vomiting student would be stuck in the vomiting state permanently. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player dropped an object on the ground where Ai performs a song, the protagonist would lose the ability to pick up that object. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player sedated more than 2 students of the same gender, they would sleep in the same bed instead of sleeping in separate beds. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player arrived at school late, certain characters (the bullies and delinquents) would not spawn in the correct locations. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player looked at a shower curtain from the back (as opposed to looking at it from the front), it would appear invisible. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player was in the “Passing Time” state when pepper-sprayed by the Journalist, the Journalist’s attack would do nothing. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the Resolution screen to always believe that the user was on an outdated build, even if the player was on the latest build.
  • If the player brought a mind-broken student to school on Amai’s week, that student would eventually attend Amai’s bake sale. This bug has been fixed.
  • A bug allowed the player to activate multiple easter eggs simultaneously. This was completely unintentional, so this functionality has been removed.
  • If the player came to school late (arriving at 8:00 AM) and then loaded a save, the time of day would change (to 8:00 AM). This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player read manga in the Photography Club and saved the game, the game would not remember the player’s manga progress upon loading the game.
  • If the player read manga in Ryoba’s room during the daytime, the manga books would have really extreme lighting on them. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to conceal a corpse in a garbage bag while directly in front of a teacher who was trying to guard that corpse.
  • The game wasn’t properly tracking the player’s progress on Tasks or Collectibles when making a “Reset Week” save file. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player left a note in a student’s locker, then saved and loaded the game, the game would forget about the note. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player entered first-person mode, it was possible to climb on top of some of the hedges around school. This bug should be fixed now.
  • If Ryoba performed a laughing animation while holding a kitten, her facial animation would not play properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the camera was positioned in certain ways in the stalker house stealth mission, the screen would flicker. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the camera to clip into Ryoba’s head if the player entered first person mode while using the Shy Persona.
  • Under certain circumstances, Raibaru would completely ignore Osana burning to death right in front of her. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player crafted body bags, saved the game, and then loaded the game, the body bags would disappear. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that allowed players to use a uniform splattered with blood to complete Kokona’s “bring me a customized uniform” task.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Musume’s jaw to rotate back into her head at the end of her “Successfully completed Task” dialogue.
  • If the player entered 1980s Mode, exited, and played Mission Mode, Taro’s portrait would be Jokichi. This bug has been fixed.
  • It is no longer possible to conceal dismembered body parts inside of a bookbag half their size; this was an oversight.
  • If the player tried to apply Pippi’s hair model to Ayano, the hair would be invisible. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that permitted bloody footprints to spawn floating in midair near the stairs in the gymnasium.
  • If Nemesis tried to disguise herself as Pippi, her hair would turn invisible. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed typo in the text that describes the benefit for Physical Rank 1.
  • Fixed typo in text for the 1989 Photography Club’s Club Activity.
  • Fixed a problem with the texture used by the round bushes.
  • Fixed typo in the subtitles for Kaguya’s Task.
  • Fixed typo in Chujiro Kitasume’s profile.
  • Fixed typo in Azusa Mitsuishi’s profile.

Framerate Improvement?

I made an adjustment in this build of the game that – maybe, potentially – might improve the framerate significantly. If possible, please compare the framerate of the previous build to the framerate of this build, and let me know if you notice a huge difference.
