August 23rd Bug-Fixing Build


There were some bugs in the previous build that weren’t absolutely crippling, but would definitely inconvenience any players trying to play some of the game’s side-modes, so I’m releasing a new build with those bugs fixed. It’s kind of a large build – around 14 improvements and 30 bug fixes!

To see a list of everything that was added/changed/fixed/improved in the latest build, scroll down past these absolutely adorable little dolls that were 3D printed and decorated by a Chinese fan of the game named HuamoKimu!

Aren’t those dolls just precious?! Here, I’d like to share more pictures of them!

Absolutely adorable, right?! I wonder if there is any fan interest in purchasing these little dolls as merchandise. If there’s a massive degree of interest, I’ll consider speaking to a few companies to learn what it would take to start manufacturing and selling them…

Okay! With that out of the way, let’s move on to the changelog for this build.

Art Room Update

The Art Room has been updated with new models!

In my opinion, it’s a huge upgrade! You’ll notice a large metal device in the room – that’s a “kiln,” an oven-like chamber that is used for turning clay into pottery, etc. They’re capable of producing temperatures that can completely incinerating human bodies. In the future, the kiln might become a new way to dispose of corpses – but only one at a time, since it’s a lot smaller than the school incinerator.

Genocide Run Failure Help

Sometimes, people contact me and tell me that they performed a genocide run, but the game didn’t acknowledge it, and didn’t advance to the genocide ending. I’ve put something into the game that will print out a line of text that will tell you why your genocide run was invalid.

To see this line of text, you will have to open a window that exists to display debug information. To activate the window, you need to press a specific key a certain number of times. It’s the “Enter” key, but not the one in the center of the keyboard; it’s the one at the bottom-right corner of the keyboard:

If you press that key 10 times, a debug log will appears. (If you press the key 1 more time, the debug log will become larger.)

If you perform a genocide run and the game doesn’t seem to acknowledge it or give you the ending you expected, press that key 10 times and you’ll get to see some text that explains what the problem is.


  • If you meet the criteria for being able to ask for a Favor from a student (befriended the student, raised seduction enough, or the student is a delinquent and you’ve joined the delinquent gang) but the student hasn’t even walked through the front door of the school yet, they will refuse to do any Favors for you. This is intentional. You have to at least let them change their shoes before you can start pestering them for favors. From now on, if the player meets the criteria for being able to ask for a Favor from a student, but the student hasn’t even walked through the front door yet, a notification will appear onscreen to explain to the player that they can’t ask the student for Favors yet.
  • After you befriend a student, they will wave at you. From now on, certain characters – characters who are meant to have calm / casual / chill / cool personalities – will now perform a “casual wave” instead the happy, excited wave that other characters perform. The current “casual wave” animation is a temporary placeholder, and is intended to be replaced in the future.
  • The little target icon in the “choose what to say to the guidance counselor” minigame now moves 1.5x faster, so that the player can pick their preferred menu option more quickly.
  • From now on, if the player is spotted by Senpai while killing a rival, the “slow motion rival death” effect will immediately end, since a game over is already guaranteed.
  • From now on, the player will be invincible for 1 second after being struck by a projectile when playing the Miyuki minigame. (5 seconds when playing on “Magical Mode.”)
  • The “Score” label in the Miyuki minigame didn’t use the same font as the rest of the Miyuki minigame. The label has been updated with the correct font.
  • A new trait was granted to the Physical Education stat, but the text on the Stats screen wasn’t updated to reflect it. That screen has been updated.
  • Osana’s hair was really clipping into her body a lot during her animations! From this build onward, her hair shouldn’t clip as much anymore.
  • It is now possible to access the Amai challenge by pressing the “A” key 10 times at the Calendar screen. (Only in 202X, of course.)
  • The copying machine in the computer lab now has an original model, instead of being a giant printer sitting on top of a table.
  • When wrapping a corpse in a bodybag, the “wrapping corpse” sound effect will now play at the same speed as the animation.
  • Increased the resolution and quality of the floor textures of the school pool area.
  • Increased the resolution and quality of the floor textures in the storage rooms.
  • Osana is now willing to accept snacks from the player in Mission Mode.


  • Recently, I decided to test a new feature: giving some characters different waving animations than other characters. The feature works, but I wasn’t satisfied with the animation, so I disabled the feature. Or so I thought! I inadvertantly left the feature in the game, with the placeholder animation. The feature and animation have now been disabled; students will now return to waving normally. I’ll try to implement this feature correctly in the future once I have a better animation for it.
  • If the player was noticed by the Journalist or a group of 4 students while simultaneously being noticed by Senpai, the player would enter the “reacting to Journalist” or “reacting to being chased by 4 students” state while in the middle of the “reacting to Senpai” state. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Mission Mode, aiming your camera at a student’s face would lower your “Awareness” number. This was the opposite of the way it was supposed to work; walking around and aiming your camera at peoples’ faces should make them MORE aware of you, not less aware. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a rival witnessed the player commit murder and ran to inform Senpai, and the player was in the middle of an animation when the rival reported the player, the player would be able to move around at the Game Over screen – a “dead alive glitch.” This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student entered their running animation while facing a wall, it was possible for their eyes to clip through the wall’s collider, causing their raycasting check to ignore the wall, effectively allowing them to “see through walls.” This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student took a photograph of Ryoba committing murder and then ran away, a game over would happen 10 seconds later, as if the student had posted the photo to social media – even though social media didn’t exist in 1989. This bug has been fixed.
  • When doing Teiko’s task and obtaining books from the school library, the player would perform an “interacting with copying machine” animation instead of a “rummaging around for books” animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Osana’s Monday morning “put bento on desk” event began while Raibaru was holding a smartphone in her hand, Raibaru would permanently walk around with that smartphone floating above her palm. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player asked to practice martial arts with a student who was being handed food or was about to be handed food, the student would not be in the correct state during the practice minigame. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player framed Raibaru for murder while Osana’s “give lunch to Senpai” event was occuring, Raibaru would be in the “spying on Osana and Senpai talking” pose in the End-of-Day Sequence. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player bumped into a student council member, that student council member would permanently have the ability to instantly notice the player’s misbehavior for the rest of the day. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a character stood in an extremely specific spot, it would be possible for them to see into the incinerator area, despite the area being surrounded on all sides by walls. This bug has been fixed.
  • Under some circumstances, attempting to report a murder to a teacher who was already aware of murder would result in a “She’s too scared to talk” error message appearing. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a police investigation occured while Senpai was in the middle of a scripted event, he could “fall through the ground” during police investigations. This weird bug should never happen again.
  • It was possible for students to get stuck pathfinding in the West Zen Garden, and some of the models in the West Zen Garden didn’t have any collision boxes. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved and loaded their game while at school, some of the strangulation weapons would not return to the correct locations upon loading. This bug has been fixed.
  • The Student Info Menu identified a student as “dead” if their reputation was below 100, even though the threshold for suicide is -150 reputation. This bug has been fixed.
  • The Occult Club’s “ritual knife” was not marked as a metal object, so it was possible to walk through a metal detector while holding it. Oops! This bug has been fixed.
  • It was impossible to complete the “struggle with hero/teacher” minigame or the “delinquent combat” minigame with a PlayStation controller. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player was playing the game using a PlayStation controller, the pickpocket minigame would not respond to the player’s button input. This bug has been fixed.
  • The End-of-Day Sequence had some weird unintentional visual effects, especially when school atmosphere was lowered. These unintentional effects have been removed.
  • If the player stood inside of either of the gym storage rooms and looked up, they would be able to see the sun through the ceiling. This bug has been fixed.
  • Using the 1980s Mode Newspaper Club benefit, it was possible for the player to raise their reputation above the limit of 100. This bug has been fixed.
  • The alpaca in the Light Music Club is a debug tool, but was visible and interactable even when debug commands were disabled. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a rival was standing under the confession tree, she would completely ignore murder happening in front of her face. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player dropped a heavy weight and it landed upside-down, the player would not be able to pick it up again. this bug has been fixed.
  • The game wasn’t detecting certain PlayStation controller input, such as “holding down on the D-Pad” to drop weapons. This has been fixed.
  • If the player strangled Ritsuko Chikanari while she was sunbathing, she would clip into the sunbathing chair. This bug has been fixed.
  • Previously, the Biology Lab and Foreign Studies Room did not appear on the map screen. They are now appearing there.
  • Footsteps were making the wrong sound effect in the Biology Lab. This bug has been fixed.

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