August 11 Bug-Fixing Build

Whoops! A new bug was introduced in the previous build. It was a particularly inconvenient one, so I’ve uploaded a new build where that issue is fixed.

To read about everything else that was improved or fixed in the latest build, scroll down past this gorgeous illustration by suzu_UwU__1106!


  • The act of wrapping a corpse in a bodybag now gets faster the higher you raise your Physical Education stat. At maximum Physical Education, you can wrap up a corpse 2x as fast.
  • Refactored the code for checking whether or not the player has just swapped from keyboard to controller, to catch more cases of the player swapping from one to the other.

PlayStation Button Update

Previously, a lot of the game’s screens were not displaying PlayStation buttons when the player plugged in a PlayStation controller. I’ve gone through some of the game’s most commonly-accessed screens and updated them to display PlayStation buttons if the game detects that a PlayStation controller is in use. However, I’m not finished with the process yet, so if you play the current build, you may find some screens that still don’t display PlayStation buttons yet. I’ll finish the process in a future update. Until then, please be patient and understand that if you’re playing with a PlayStation controller, some screens simply won’t display PlayStation buttons just yet.

  • The Resolution Screen (the first screen that the player sees when they launch the game) will now display PlayStation button prompts if the player is using a PlayStation controller.
  • The interfaces inside of the protagonist’s home will now display PlayStation button prompts if the player is using a PlayStation controller.
  • The Mission Mode Screen will now display PlayStation button prompts if the player is using a PlayStation controller.
  • The Calendar Screen will now display PlayStation button prompts if the player is using a PlayStation controller.
  • The Credits Screen will now display PlayStation button prompts if the player is using a PlayStation controller.
  • The Title Screen will now display PlayStation button prompts if the player is using a PlayStation controller.

With all of that said…I’ve realized something. The game displays keyboard buttons by default, so whenever you load into a scene, the scene will automatically display keyboard buttons, even if the previous scene acknowledged the fact that the player was using a specific type of gamepad and not a keyboard. In a future build, I’ll try to set up a system that makes the game remember what type of gamepad is in use and updates button prompts accordingly right at the first frame of the new scene being loaded.


  • If the player went snooping through the rival’s bookbag and read her diary to learn her likes and dislikes, a notification would display at the top of the screen to inform the player of what they had learned. However, this notification would continue to display every time the diary was checked, even though the information had already been gained. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student noticed a shovel on the ground and picked it up to return it to its default location, they would have trouble pathfinding to that location, since it’s inside of a locked woodshed. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the game to soft-lock if any “Heroic” student witnessed the player committing murder.

A problem that might be fixed

  • Multiple users reported a bug that would cause Ayano to freeze in place in the Alphabet Killer Challenge when attempting to activate / deactivate the cloaking device that turns the protagonist invisible. I attempted to trigger the bug, but I couldn’t make it happen. This might mean that I inadvertently fixed the bug while I was addressing some other issue. Please check for it in the latest build and see if it’s fixed now!

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